Why Should I Study With Past Tense of Banana?

Past Tense of Banana offers the smallest online class size with a guaranteed maximum of four students, so each student gets quality time with the teacher every session. We do not work with textbooks.  All our sessions start from what the students already know. We don't waste time teaching what has already been learned. We use an approach to learning that is close to acquiring English rather than studying it. We introduce our students to all verb forms and grammar rules from the start; slowly explaining them over time. This gives the student the greatest amount of time to learn the verb forms naturally in their own time. 

You don't work with text books!! How will students learn without books?

Working with books forces a student to learn English by following a set route. In reality, people use a variety of sources to learn English these days, so there is no set route. Past Tense of Banana works on a modular system, allowing students to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. Also, we use a lot of AI and online activities to keep the sessions dynamic and relevant.  Simply put, we don't need books in modern English teaching.

Why the name "Past Tense of Banana"? 

Banana'd is a great way to explain the correct pronunciation of regular past tense verbs in English. Instead of forever correcting "Walk-ed", Banana'd creates a great image and a fun way of remembering how to pronounce regular past tense verbs. This discovery demonstrates how explaining things in an unusual and often quirky way has the best effect on learners. That ethos defines the character of Past Tense of Banana!

How much do your courses cost?

Our fixed sessions have a set price per student per twelve weeks. With regard to our other sessions: We take into account the global location of the student and how many sessions are paid for in advance. Contact us for a quote.